Faculty & Staff Directory
Events Delroy Gaither Technical Manager, Performing Spaces
410.225.2516 dgaither01@mica.edu
First Year Experience José Galarza Adjunct Faculty, First Year Experience
410.225.2508 jgalarza@mica.edu
MPS Business of Art & Design RYAN GALLOWAY Adjunct Faculty, Business of Art & Design
Registrar Hadley J Garbart Director, Student Records
410.225.2231 hgarbart@mica.edu
MICA Store Rusty Gardner Book Buyer
410.225.2305 rgardner@mica.edu
MA Social Design Thomas Gardner Faculty FT, MA Social Design
410.225.5111 tgardner@mica.edu
Drawing Stephanie J. Garmey Adjunct Faculty, Drawing
410.225.2535 sgarmey@mica.edu
Provost's Office Stephanie Garon Adjunct Faculty, Art History
410.225.2219 sgaron@mica.edu
Humanistic Studies Michael D. Garral Adjunct Faculty, Humanistic Studies
410.225.2350 mgarral@mica.edu
MFA Photography + Media & Society Bill Gaskins Full Time Faculty, Photography + Media & Society, MFA (P+M&S))
410.225.4104 bgaskins@mica.edu
Photography Kottie Gaydos Adjunct Faculty, Photography
410.225.2206 kgaydos@mica.edu
MPS User Experience Design (UXD) Lacey Gerard Adjunct Faculty, User Experience Design
Humanistic Studies Jeanette Gerrity Gomez Full Time Faculty, Humanistic Studies
410.225.2354 jgerritygomez@mica.edu
Graphic Design BFA Isaac P. Gertman Faculty FT, Graphic Design
410.225.2382 igertman@mica.edu
Art History Julie Geschwind Adjunct Faculty, Art History
410.225.2350 jgeschwind@mica.edu
Illustration BFA John Geyer Adjunct Faculty, Illustration
Humanistic Studies Soheila Ghaussy Faculty FT, Humanistic Studies
410.225.2350 sghaussy@mica.edu
Graphic Design BFA Michelle Lynn Ghiotti Adjunct Faculty, Graphic Design BFA
410.225.2382 mghiotti@mica.edu
Provost's Office James Giegerich Adjunct Faculty, Provost's Office
410.225.2319 jgiegerich@mica.edu
President's Office Mercedes Giles Executive Assistant to the President
Finance Renee Gill Executive Assistant
Campus Safety Erwin Gingles Institute Patrol Officer
Finance Lucy W. Gitaka Assistant Controller
410.225.4256 lgitaka@mica.edu
Graphic Design BFA Elizabeth Loydall Glancy Adjunct Faculty, Graphic Design BFA
410.225.2382 eglancy01@mica.edu
MFA Graphic Design Jeff Glendenning Graphic Designer in Residence, MFA
International Student Cultural Orientation Program Michele Glenn Adjunct Faculty, International Cultural Orientation Program
410.225.4254 mglenn@mica.edu
First Year Experience Shana Goetsch Adjunct Faculty, First Year Experience
410.225.2254 sgoetsch@mica.edu
MA/MBA Design Leadership Jo Golden Adjunct Faculty, Open Studies
410.225.2219 jgolden01@mica.edu
Film and Video Julia Golonka Adjunct Faculty, Film and Video
Graphic Design BFA Romello Goodman Adjunct Faculty
Graphic Design BFA Jason Mathews Gottlieb Faculty FT, BFA Graphic Design
410.225.2382 jgottlieb@mica.edu
Campus Safety Devon Graham Security Guard
410.225.2355 dgraham@mica.edu
MPS Product Management Colleen Graneto Adjunct Faculty, Master in Professional Studies (MPS) Product Management (PM)
Residence Life D'andre Grant Assistant Director, Central Operations
Interactive Arts Daniel Grantham Adjunct Faculty, Interactive Arts
410.225.7581 dgrantham01@mica.edu
Campus Safety Angela Gray Security Guard
First Year Experience DAVE GREBER Adjunct Faculty, First Year Experience
Provost's Office Dionna Green Executive Assistant to the Provost
Campus Safety Lawrence L. Green Security Guard
410.225.2355 lgreen@mica.edu
Illustration BFA Robert Greenberger Adjunct Faculty, Illustration
First Year Experience Bowen Gregory Adjunct Faculty, First Year Experience
First Year Experience Clarissa Stowell Gregory Adjunct Faculty, First Year Experience
410.225.2535 cgregory@mica.edu
Film and Video Avery Griffin Adjunct Faculty, Film and Video
MA/MBA Design Leadership Zalyia Grillet Adjunct Faculty, MA/MBA
Open Studies Sam Grossman Adjunct Faculty, Community Education / Professional Practice
MFA Curatorial Practice LEILA GROTHE Adjunct Faculty
Drawing Barbara E. Gruber Adjunct Faculty, Drawing
410.225.2260 bgruber@mica.edu