Program Overview

MICA's Art & Design College Accelerator Program (ADCAP) provides a pathway to high-quality art and design college education for Baltimore City students who face financial challenges and are from underserved communities. MICA is committed to providing equitable access for city residents with demonstrated promise who are interested in pursuing a degree in art and design.

Participating students will receive not only the advantages of MICA's educational material and curriculum, but also receive the benefits of a dedicated support network and individual mentorship. 

This unparalleled opportunity is highly competitive with only 15 spaces available and absolutely free to students accepted into the program, including transportation, meals and art supplies. 

Applications will be open for students on February 8.  Students who will be entering grade 10 in fall 2025 are eligible to apply. 

Here's a preview of what to gather and expect in the application:

  • upload 4 portfolio pieces
  • upload unofficial 9th grade transcript
  • upload teacher recommendation form
  • answer questions about contact information, family finances, and school information.
  • a personal statement 

Deadline to apply to ADCAP Fall 2025 is September 22, 2025. Apply here.

Program Goals

Students who demonstrate exceptional artistic promise and who can make a three-year commitment to this intensive experience are encouraged to apply. ADCAP offers the best of MICA's youth programs; High School Studios on Saturdays throughout each school year, and the PreCollege Art and Design Residency Program the summer between their Junior and Senior year, coupled with mentoring workshops and access to MICA's network of resources.  

Our Program Goals can be broken down into the below four areas: 

  1.  Portfolio Development
  2. College and Career Readiness
  3.  Personal Growth
  4.  Community Engagement  

Take a look inside the program here!

The ADCAP program is made possible by generous support from the Jacques & Natasha Gelman Foundation and the Thalheimer Foundation.

Questions? Call the Office of Open Studies


Bunting Center - Open Studies Offices 1400 W. Mount Royal Ave. Baltimore, MD 21217