Community of Care

MICA’s Tenets undergird the College's culture, personality, and actions. Among those tenets is: “We model a community of care.” One of the ways the College embodies this tenet is through the Community of Care Committee, an cross-campus team of faculty, students, and staff that encourages mutual care and works to ensure the communal well-being of the MICA community.

Community of Care Committee

Formed in 2020 as part of the College’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Community of Care Committee is the “think and feel tank” that receives, discusses, and facilitates  suggestions and feedback to improve the health, safety, and wellness of the campus community. The committee is co-led by Shannon R. Ingram, MA, NCC, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; and Judith M. Kinney, Ph.D., Associate Vice President of Student Health and Wellness.


  • Established an  Emergency Relief Fund to support staff and faculty members who experienced financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Fostered Racism Defined, a primer for MICA community members who are looking for words to talk about racism with their peers or in class
  • Developed guidelines for online meetings to accommodate the MICA community’s work/life balance needs
  • Supported international students in Baltimore during Summer 2020
  • Implemented “Fond Farewell” celebrations for early retirees
  • Supported international students in Baltimore during Summer 2020
  • Kept the MICA community connected through virtual events that included anti-racism forums and a campus gathering in Summer 2020
  • Distributed graduation care packages to MICA’s Class of 2021 & 2022


As an R5 Long-Arc Workgroup, the Community of Care is charged with:

  1. Recommending objectives and initiatives related to actions of care for the campus community and Baltimore that are based on insights and ideas gained from MICA’s COVID-19 navigation for the Strategic Plan.
  2. Encouraging mutual care and ensuring MICA’s ongoing development to live up to MICA’s tenet of “We model a community of care” on campus and in the city.


MICA students, faculty, and staff are welcome to join the Community of Care Committee.  For more info, email communityofcare@mica.edu. 


What is a Community of Care?

Learn about the College's cross-campus team that is constantly looking and thinking of initiatives that foster the health, safety, and wellness of our community.

Info & Links

Health and Wellness Resources

Explore an information and resources that empowers the MICA community to play an active role in their wellness during the COVID-19 global pandemic.


Make Your Voice Heard

Share your feedback! Recommend content for the Community of Care website, request additional info about resources, or communicate your questions and concerns safely and confidentially.