Work Opportunities and Eligibility
On campus/off campus job opportunities are available to students in many areas including the technology department, College social media, Admissions, and academic departments. Students are employed under the Federal Work-Study program or the MICA Work-Study program.
Federal Work-Study is a Federal Student Aid program with the purpose of providing part-time employment opportunities for undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need in order to assist them in their pursuit of a college education. Eligibility is determined based on your Student Aid Index (SAI) and the availability of federal funds.
Students who are not awarded Federal Work-Study may also seek campus employment through the MICA Work-Study program. Eligibility is determined based on the availability of institutional funds and demonstrated financial need.
Student employees are paid $15 per hour and can not work more than 20 hours per week. The average work-study award is $3,000 / 7 hours per week (100 hours a semester). Newly enrolled students to the program will be notified by Human Resources (PB&C) the beginning of August with instructions on how to complete the onboarding process. If a student does not complete the onboarding process by October 1st, they will be placed on the work-study waitlist.
Please contact the Financial Aid Office ( for more information.