To all MICA employees,
We hope you and your families are all staying well.
During this time of great uncertainty, we're making decisions to best position the College for the future. We have a responsibility to protect the health of our employees, while also preserving our long-term ability to offer jobs and benefits.
We are proactively taking steps to strengthen our financial position for the long term to help us navigate through this challenging time. As a College, we have made the decision to suspend all non-essential hiring. We will continue to hire for key and critical positions that will allow us to operate, support the school, our students, and our future.
It's clear the situation is evolving, and at this time, we don't know for certain how long the College will operate remotely. We will continue to maintain a small contingent of essential personnel on campus such as Campus Safety, Building Services, and the Mailroom. We appreciate your continued commitment to serving the College, and we are grateful for your dedication.
We are taking action to respond to the challenges we are facing today, while also working to prepare for the future. The decisions we make today will impact our staff, faculty, students, the College, and our community, which is why we are thorough and deliberate with every decision we make.
Please stay healthy and well,
Colleen Cashill Associate
Vice President, Office of Human Services