Financial Literacy

Personal Budgeting

A budget serves as a guideline to help you prioritize your spending and properly manage your money.

The goal of a budget is to minimize expenses and maximize savings. It can help you identify wasteful expenditures, adapt quickly as your financial situation changes and achieve your financial goals. By cutting down on unnecessary spending and increasing your monthly savings, you can put extra money toward important long-term financial goals. Buying a car, purchasing a home, or taking out a loan requires you to know if you can afford the payments each month. By working on your budgeting skills now, you will know exactly what you can afford in the future.

Have accurate data to identify how you are spending your money. Be realistic. Identify sources of income (e.g. jobs, scholarships, financial aid). Determine fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs are a definite amount and usually do not change overtime (e.g. rent, car payment). Variable costs are costs with changing and often unpredictable amounts (e.g. groceries, fuel). Distinguish between necessities and wants. Ensure that you do not spend more than what you make. Set goals.
Make a shopping list and purchase only what you need in order to prevent impulse buying. Use coupons. Buy in bulk. Open a checking account to enable direct deposit and avoid check cashing fees. Take your breakfast and/or lunch to work instead of eating out. Shop around for the best deals, especially when making big purchases. Control or limit the use of credit cards. Pay bills on time so that you can avoid late fees. Take advantage of student discounts.